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Best Practices

Sanctions and positive opportunities should be used together

A solely punitive approach to youth probation misses out on valuable opportunities to encourage accountability and promote positive development. Research demonstrates the importance of embracing motivation as a tool to promote compliance and encourage positive behavior.

Incentivizing Success and Implementing Graduated Responses

Harvell, S, H Love, E Pelletier, C Warnberg and C Hull. Urban Institute (2018).

Assessing the Impact of a Graduated Response Approach for Youth in the Maryland Juvenile Justice System

Farrell, JL, SA Betsinger, N Flath and J Irvine. The Institute for Innovation & Implementation, University of Maryland School of Social Work and Maryland Department of Juvenile Services (2020).

Formal processing does not result in better outcomes

Contrary to what we sometimes hear, that we need to “get kids into the system to get them help”, research shows that formal processing in the court system does not result in better outcomes for youth.

Outcomes of Formal Processing

Formal Processing and Recidivism

Keys to Youth Justice Improvement: Demonstration of Practical, Sustainable, Measurable, and Replicable Solutions

Tuell, JA, M Darling and J Martin. RFK National Resources Center for Juvenile Justice (2023).

The Impact of Initial Processing Decisions on Youth Five Years after First Arrest

Cauffman, E, J Beardslee, A Fine, PJ Frick and L Steinberg. Development and Psychopathology (2020), 1-14.

Research Summary of 2 Studies on Formal Processing

Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate

Juvenile justice needs to evolve with our understanding of the adolescent brain

The brain continues to change into the late 20’s with the frontal lobes, responsible for reasoning and problem-solving, developing last.  Much of what we see as bad behavior in teens is really a result of this changing architecture in the brain.

The Adolescent Brain

Positive Youth Development

Traumatic Event Exposure