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Updating the Ada County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Ada County has a plan to help reduce the impact that disasters can bring to people and property.

The Ada County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is reviewed and updated every five years, and the process is getting underway. A Steering Committee consisting of 19 representatives from the public, private business, education and government will work as an advisory body to review and update the plan. This process is anticipated to take approximately five months to complete. Ultimately, the draft plan will be presented and considered for approval by the participating local governments, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

How can the public get involved?

Steering Committee meetings are held monthly and are open to the public. Meetings may be held in-person or virtually.

The next Steering Committee meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, August 17 at 9 am. Once the meeting agenda is posted to the following page, look for the link to join the meeting: Emergency Management Mitigation.

As the review and update process progresses, the public will have the opportunity to review the proposed plan updates and provide input. You can keep up-to-date on meeting details and progress through the plan webpage at Emergency Management Mitigation