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Have a Safe, Happy, and Prosperous New Year

From the Ada County Board of Commissioners

As we prepare to enter 2021 it is a good time to reflect back on the accomplishments of the year that is passing. In most years, we look back at significant news and life events; new jobs, new children or grandchildren, marriages, and the many things we achieved individually and as a community that we are proud of. We also note the challenges and the sad events that sometimes upended our plans.

2020 will forever be imprinted in our collective consciousness as a year that challenged us to be strong, nimble, and resilient, and to follow our moral compass. 2020 brought out the best in so many people. While we often heard, saw and read about certain things that did not reflect the best of who we are – we believe those were, and are the exceptions, not the rule.

Ada County employees and the communities we serve can be proud of the ways we improvised when faced with the challenges presented by a global pandemic. We can be proud that we each did small and large things to help our friends and neighbors. That is who we are.

As 2021 arrives may we be fortified by the challenges we face together. May we be patient and gracious when we disagree. May we remember that throughout human history, the acts of goodness and integrity during tumultuous and trying times are those we admire and revere the most.

Happy New Year!

Kendra Kenyon
Diana Lachiondo
Patrick Malloy