Ada County Seal
property taxes 2022

Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go?

The tax dollars we pay each year go toward the essential services our families and communities need. While just about no one is excited to see their tax bill, our tax dollars pay for things we count on but often take for granted – like public safety, schools, roadways, clean water, parks and so much more. Do you know where your tax dollars go?

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Tax Scam Alert

Tax Scam Alert!

Residents of Ada County are being targeted by con artists. If you receive a delinquent tax notice that looks like this – throw it away. This is a scam meant to victimize Idahoans. The letters are from a place called the “Ada County Tax Processing Unit.” There is no such place. They look official but

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Emergency rental assistance program commercial

Your Household Could be Eligible for Emergency Rental Assistance

It seems like a long time ago but the financial repercussions for many people that started during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic remain significant. If you or someone you know has been struggling due to household income changes and other losses that began in March of 2020 see if you qualify for rental assistance.

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Check out the October 2022 Ada County Newsletter

Have you checked out the latest Ada County Newsletter?

Each month the Ada County Commissioner’s monthly newsletter features important news and information about issues affecting the entire community. Included in the latest newsletter – information about the new permanent photo installation in the Ada County Courthouse honoring trailblazing Ada County Leaders.

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Commissioners group picture

Ada County Women Making History

A new permanent photo installation honoring trailblazing Ada County women is now on display in the Ada County Courthouse lobby. “Ada County Women Making History” recognizes the contributions of five women who were the first women in their positions in Ada County.

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FY23 Budget Priorities

Ada County FY 23 Budget

The Ada County FY 23 Budget will be formally adopted Tuesday August 16, 2022 during the Ada County Commissioner’s Open Business Meeting. This year’s budget does not raise property taxes and puts people and families first in a fiscally responsible manner.

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Ada County FY23 Budget

See Exactly How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent!

The Budget Explorer for the tentative FY23 Ada County Budget is now available to view online. This helpful tool allows you to see how property taxes are distributed, and how each dollar allocated for Ada County services will be spent during the upcoming fiscal year.

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