Ada County Seal

Board of Commissioners Passes Open Space Ordinance

The approval of the Ada County Open Space and Conservation Area Ordinance allows the Board of Ada County Commissioners to protect our quality of life in the communities we call home, while at the same time providing recreational opportunities that do not negatively impact the values that these properties provide.

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Juveniles walking in hills

October is Youth Justice Awareness Month

The Proclamation signed by Ada County Commissioners recognizes the invaluable services provided to all the residents of Ada County by the Ada County Juvenile Court Services team. ACJCS works hard to help youth and families develop the skills they need to set a new course for a youth’s life. Congratulations on your outstanding public service.

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Learn more about levels of community spread fro Idaho Schools

New Color-Coded COVID-19 Tracking

As area school districts begin their 2020-2021 academic year, Central District Health (CDH) has established recommendations for schools using a three-category, color-coded system for operations in Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley counties. Learn more about the CDH recommendations.

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