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Historic Preservation

Welcome to the Ada County Historic Preservation Council

We are dedicated to preserving Ada County’s heritage.  Our purpose is to preserve significant historic structures and sites within Ada County by identifying and documenting those structures and sites of historic value, reviewing development applications that might impact an identified historic structure or site, and educating the public on preserving historic structures and sites through education and outreach activities.

Meet the Council

The Council is charged by the Board of Ada County Commissioners with Preserving Ada County’s Heritage, mainly by educating property owners and the general public of the economic and intrinsic value of preserving historic sites and structures.  The Council is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers seeking to make a difference in the quality of life in and around Ada County.  They serve in an advisory role to the Board of Ada County Commissioners and rely heavily on volunteer efforts and a small amount of support from Development Services staff.

Ada County is a Certified Local Government under the National Historic Preservation Act., which makes the council eligible for a limited amount of National Park Service grant funds.  These grant funds are required to be matched with County and/or private funds.  The Council has authority to conduct surveys of local historic properties, cooperate with outside agencies toward historic preservation objectives, make recommendations and participate in local planning processes, and promote awareness of the importance of historic preservation through education and outreach.


Appointment Date

Expiration Date

Term # (Maximum of 3 terms)

Brent Danielson (staff liaison) N/A N/A N/A
Frank Eld 11/12/19 11/12/25 2nd
Rob Fraser 4/6/21 4/6/27 2nd
Joseph Gallagher 4/6/21 4/6/27 2nd
Jay Karamales 4/6/21 4/6/27 2nd
Angie Steele 4/6/21 4/6/27 2nd
Bob Reinhardt 12/7/21 12/7/24 1st
Larry Sundell 4/4/23 4/4/26 1st
Carolina Valderrama Echavvaria 4/4/23 4/4/26 1st


National Award 2002

2002 Certificate of Commendation award
2002 Certificate of Commendation from the American Association for State and Local History, presented for publication of Patterns of the Past, Ada County Historic Sites Inventory.

State and Regional Award 2002

Orchid Award Certificate
2002 Orchid Award from Preservation Idaho, presented for publication of Patterns of the Past, The Ada County Historic Site Inventory.

National Award 2006

Saundra Schmidt accepts the award.
2006 Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History, presented for publication of Echoes from the Ada County Courthouse, 1938-2001 by Arthur A. Hart. Photo: Former council member Saundra Schmidt (center) accepts the award on behalf of the Council.

State and Regional Award 2006

Orchid award presented to Publication of Echoes
2006 Orchid Award from Preservation Idaho, presented for publication of Echoes from the Ada County Courthouse, 1938-2001 by Arthur A. Hart.

Some images on this site are provided courtesy of the Idaho State Historical Society, the Kuna Library, the Idaho Military History Museum, and the Historic American Building Survey.  Their generosity and cooperation are sincerely appreciated.