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Detectives are investigating weekend car burglaries at Eagle Island State Park

If there is one concept we here at the Ada County Sheriff’s Office would like our residents to embrace above all others, it would be: lock your stuff up – especially at places like trailheads and parks where there might not be a lot of other people around.

Detectives are investigating two cases from late Saturday morning where people broke into unlocked cars at Eagle Island State Park, stole credit cards from inside, and were using them to make purchases less than an hour later.

It appears that thieves broke into the cars sometime between 11 a.m and noon. By 1 p.m. they charged over $4,000 worth of items from a large local retailer.

Detectives did get store surveillance photos of two men who used the cards after the burglaries.

If you recognize them, or have any information, please call Eagle Police at (208) 938-2260 or send an email to [email protected]

While the best way to avoid being the victim of theft is to make sure your car or truck is locked at all times, it isn’t a guarantee — especially if someone can see a purse, wallet, or any other valuables in plain sight.

Thieves often target parking lots at trailheads, parks, and gyms because people might leave their wallets and purses behind.

So please take that stuff with you wherever you go. Then make sure to lock up. We know it can be easy to forget but it may keep you from becoming a victim.

Most vehicle theft is a crime of opportunity, so let’s all work together to take those opportunities away.