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Hiring Standards/Disqualifiers

The Ada County Sheriff’s Office will likely disqualify any candidates whose background includes the following:
  • Have used marijuana or any product containing THC in any form within the last 1 year. This includes use in locations where it has been legalized and use for medical reasons.
  • Have used any other drug (methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, mushrooms, etc.) within the last 5 years.
  • Have illegally used, abused, or misused prescription drugs or steroids within the last 5 years.
  • Have snorted, inhaled, or huffed any substances, such as glue or paint, in order to get high within the last 5 years.
  • Have sold, transported, or manufactured illegal drugs for profit within the last 10 years.
Criminal activity
  • Any adult felony convictions. (Juvenile felony convictions will be reviewed on a case by case basis). This policy will also include withheld judgments as convictions.
  • Any misdemeanor conviction for crimes involving domestic battery or violence, child abuse, stalking, or voyeurism.
  • Any criminal probation must already have been served.
  • Any involvement with or regular contact with people who use illegal drugs, are currently incarcerated (or are on probation/parole), or are involved in any criminal activity.  Additionally, applicants cannot be engaged in any gang activity, escort services, exotic dancing, or any other activity that would bring discredit to the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Have been convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) within the last 3 years.
  • Have had a driver’s license suspension within the last 3 years relating to a DUI, chemical test refusal, or points assessed due to moving traffic violations (if driving is an essential function of the job).
  • A “dismissal,” “bad conduct discharge” (BCD), “dishonorable discharge” (DD), or administrative discharge of “other than honorable” (OTH).
  • Any other discharge will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • The policy of the Sheriff’s Office is to hire applicants who do not smoke or use simulated smoking products. Applicants must have not used the following for at least 3 months prior to applying; cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaporizers, cigars, pipes, hookah, or cloves. The use of chewing tobacco and snuff is excluded from this standard.
  • Any visible tattoo that is racist, drug related, gang related, profane, obscene, overtly sexual in nature, or that undermines the Sheriff’s Office values.
  • Any visible tattoo on the neck, face, ears, head, lips, scalp, hands, thumb, or fingers (however a wedding band type tattoo is allowed).  Tattoos that do not comply with this policy shall be covered while on duty.
  • Misstating, omitting or deliberately lying about anything during any stage of the hiring process.