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Standing Written Orders

Standing Written Orders

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Standing Written Orders

Ada County Paramedics’ Standing Written Orders (SWO) are the procedures our paramedics and EMTs follow while working on emergency calls in the field. Our SWOs are the result of adherence to nationally-recognized guidelines, with input from local Emergency Medical Services and overseen by the Ada County/City Emergency Services System (ACCESS.) They have been developed through a process of research, discussion and consensus and showcase our highly-esteemed standards of practice. We are humbled that many other EMS agencies around the nation replicate both our SWOs and the level of care we provide to each of our patients.

Current Version – SWOsCombined-01Jul2024

Standing Written Order Attention – The above documents are intended to be printed double sided. Use this table of contents to view PDFs of specific orders, appendices, or drug references. Additionally, the following files are available in a single document.

NOTE: Individual Protocols are updated. (See below)