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Recording Notification Service

What is it?

The Recording Notification Service (RNS) allows individuals to receive email notifications when a document is recorded in their name.

Public users can subscribe and will be notified when a document is recorded under the name they subscribed with. As documents are recorded, indexed and verified, email notifications will be sent every five minutes for any names where a subscription exists.

The name registered and document recorded must match exactly (i.e.: Smith, John J. must be listed as an exact match for the document to trigger a notification).

You can subscribe, edit existing subscriptions, request a list of registered names and cancel subscriptions as needed through the RNS website provided by Harris Recording Solutions (HRS).

NOTE: The Recorder’s index is a name-based system.  If you have a common name or register a business with multiple properties, you will receive emails for anything matching those indexes.

How do I sign up?

To begin, click here and complete the registration form.

Registration can be done using a personal name, business name, entity name or parcel number.  Up to 10 names or parcels can be registered for each email address. To add multiple items, click the “+” button to the right of the box.

Once all information has been entered, click “Sign Up.

A confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered. After successfully signing up, you will begin receiving email updates any time something is recorded with your name or parcel number listed.

If you ever have questions regarding a document, please reach out to the Recorder’s Office at (208)-287-6840 or [email protected].