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Ballot Verifier

Ada County ballot verifier

About the Ballot Verifier

This new one of a kind feature ensures transparency and accountability in the voting process. The Ada County Ballot Verifier gives voters peace of mind that their votes are being accurately counted and recorded. The Ballot Verifier provides a user-friendly interface that allows anyone to view the cast ballots, sorted by precinct, contest or candidate.


Additionally, the system is designed to protect voter privacy, as the ballots do not contain any identifying information. With the Ballot Verifier, voters can confidently participate in the democratic process, knowing that their voices are being heard and their votes are being counted.

Streamlining Public Records Requests 

In the past, the public had to submit public record requests to the Ada County Clerk’s Office and wait several days to receive the desired documents. However, with the introduction of the Ballot Verifier, anyone can view and download all cast ballots at their convenience.


With just a few clicks, voters can easily verify that their vote has been accurately recorded and counted. Additionally, the capabilities of the Ballot Verifier can empower individuals to take a more active role in ensuring the integrity of the election process. This level of transparency and accountability is crucial for maintaining public trust in government and Ada County.

Who can view this site? 

Anyone can access and view the Ballot Verifier either on a desktop or mobile device. Additionally, the accessibility of the Ballot Verifier means that voters can easily and conveniently check ballots cast from previous elections at any time, from anywhere, without needing to visit the Ada County Elections Headquarters or submitting a Public Records Request.

How quickly after an election will ballots be available to view? 

It could take anywhere from 4-6 weeks following an election for ballots to be available on the Ballot Verifier depending on the size of the election. Each election held in Ada County is different as some elections span countywide, while others could contain only a few precincts.

Guide and Glossary for the Ballot Verifier

Cast Vote Record (CVR)

A Cast Vote Record (CVR) contains all the data and details of a ballot sheet once it has been scanned by a ballot scanner.

Ballot Sheet A Ballot Sheet is just one page, front and back, of a voter’s ballot.
Ballot Scanner A Ballot Scanner scans all of the ballots and also generates the data for the Cast Vote Record (CVR).
Total Ballots Cast The number of Total Ballots Cast reflects all of the ballots that voters in Ada County cast in a specific contest.
Paper Hand Marked Ballot Paper Hand Marked Ballot is the official record and the source document for all vote tallies.
wall with vote painted in large letters