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Home > News > Concealed Weapon License office moving to Ada County’s Benjamin Lane campus

Concealed Weapon License office moving to Ada County’s Benjamin Lane campus

The ACSO concealed weapon license office is moving from the sheriff’s office at 7200 Barrister Drive to the Ada County campus at 400 N. Benjamin Lane.

Ada County’s Benjamin Campus is the same building where you would go to renew your driver’s license. It is also where the county’s election services and juvenile probation services offices live.

The move is happening over the weekend, so if you need to apply for or to renew a concealed weapons license on Monday, go to the Benjamin Lane campus.

We will dedicate workstations #3 and #4 inside the Drivers License office to concealed weapons license. Just make sure to grab a number when you get in, just like you were trying to renew your driver’s license or vehicle registration.


Moving to the Benjamin Campus allows our driver’s license and concealed weapons license employees to cross-train and support each other. It also allows us to use our office space more efficiently. Check out Ada County Sheriff Concealed Weapons Permits for more info.